$ rm output.zip $ python3 ./update.py | pv >output.geojsons 1.36GiB 0:01:28 [15.8MiB/s] wc -l output.geojsons 2503747 output.geojsons :r run_id.txt All The Places 2023-07-08-13-31-58 !unzip -l output.zip | wc -l 1635 $ /usr/bin/time ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:3857 -progress output.fgb output.geojsons -fieldTypeToString All | cat 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done. 475.48user 14.90system 8:38.11elapsed 94%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 394464maxresident)k 4948152inputs+4488848outputs (1409major+139587minor)pagefaults 0swaps $ dua output.* 227.25 MB output.zip 1.20 GB output.fgb 1.46 GB output.geojsons 2.89 GB total ~/tippecanoe$ git log --oneline -1 1c3bd535 (HEAD -> main, felt/main) Add a new option to set an initial value for an attribute> $ tippecanoe --version tippecanoe v2.27.0 $ /usr/bin/time ~/pkg/tippecanoe/tippecanoe -o output.mbtiles --layer alltheplaces --read-parallel output.geojsons --cluster-densest-as-needed --drop-rate=1 --maximum-zoom=11 --cluster-maxzoom=g --maximum-tile-features=20000 --attribution="$(cat run_id.txt)" # readGeometry: flatgeobuf has unsupported geometry type 0 but ST_GeometryType only gives POINT, LINESTRING, and MULTILINESTRING. sigh. whatever, just feed the geojson directly to tippecanoe. tippecanoe has learnt to not cluster at the maximum zoom. /usr/bin/time ~/pkg/tippecanoe/tippecanoe -o output.mbtiles -L '{"file":"output.geojsons","layer":"alltheplaces"}' --cluster-densest-as-needed --drop-rate=1 --maximum-zoom=11 --cluster-maxzoom=g --maximum-tile-features=20000 --attribution="$(cat run_id.txt)" Try using --drop-fraction-as-needed or --drop-densest-as-needed. decompression error -3 incorrect header check Command exited with non-zero status 106 2628.87user 59.63system 48:00.59elapsed 93%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1660876maxresident)k 6866696inputs+14309064outputs (242552major+2950763minor)pagefaults 0swaps 👉 106 Still gives tile 11/1072/717 has 35600 features, >20000 decompression error -3 incorrect header check even with a not full disk. Add --no-tile-compression No, need to remove --maximum-tile-features=20000 ~/alltheplaces ¶ curl -O --compressed https://data.alltheplaces.xyz/runs/2023-07-15-13-31-57/output/stadt_zuerich_ch.geojson Unfortunately, this file on its own doesn't reproduce the error. It fails cleanly as it irredeemably contains more than the requested 20_000 features. OK this works: ~/alltheplaces ¶ /usr/bin/time ~/pkg/tippecanoe/tippecanoe -o output.mbtiles -L '{"file":"output.geojsons","layer":"alltheplaces"}' --cluster-distance=50 --drop-rate=1 --maximum-zoom=12 --cluster-maxzoom=g --attribution="$(cat run_id.txt)" cluster_distance,maximum_zoom,size 10,11,469M 50,11,380M 10,12,695M 50,12,554M 25,12,607M 25,13,891M