FizzBuzz Memory: Zero Zero Counter 1 Counter 2 Zero ASCIIDigit 3 ASCIIDigit 2 ASCIIDigit 1 Zero Digit 3 Digit 2 Digit 1 CopyPlace Mod 3 Mod 5 PrintNumber TmpFlag Counters for the loop ++++++++++[>++++++++++[>+>+<<-]<-] Number representation in ASCII >>>> ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ [>+>+>+<<<-] <<<< >> [ Do hundret times: Decrement counter ->-> Increment Number > >>+> > >>+> <<<< <<<< Check for Overflow ++++++++++ >>> >>>> >++++++++++< [-<<< <<<<->>>> >>> >-<] ++++++++++ <<< <<<< Restore the digit [->>>> >>>-<<< <<<<] >>>> [-]+ >>>>[<<<< - >>>>[-]]<<<< <<<< If there is an overflow >>>>[ <<<< >>>----------> >>>----------<+<< <<+<< Check for Overflow ++++++++++ >> >>>> >>++++++++++<< [-<< <<<<->>>> >> >>-<<] ++++++++++ << <<<< Restore the digit [->>>> >>-<< <<<<] >>>> [-]+ >>>>[<<<< - >>>>[-]]<<<< <<<< If there (again) is an overflow >>>>[ <<<< >>---------->> >>----------<+< <<<+< >>>> [-] ]<<<< >>>> [-] ]<<<< >>>> >>>> Set if to print the number >>>[-]+<<< Handle the Mod 3 counter [-]+++ >>>>[-]+<<<< >+[-<->]+++< [->->>>[-]<<<<] >>>>[ <[-]> [-] Print "Fizz" ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++. ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ +++. ++++++++ ++++++++ +.. [-] <<<--->>> ]<<<< Handle the Mod 5 counter [-]+++++ >>>>[-]+<<<< >>+[-<<->>]+++++<< [->>->>[-]<<<<] >>>>[ <[-]> [-] Print "Buzz" ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++. ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ +++. +++++.. [-] <<----->> ]<<<< Check if to print the number (Leading zeros) >>>[ <<< <<<< <<<< >.>.>.<<< >>> >>>> >>>> [-] ]<<< <<<< <<<< Print New Line <<<<[-]++++ ++++ ++++ +.---.[-]>> ] <<