%% File: person.hrl %%----------------------------------------------------------- %% Data Type: person %% where: %% name: A string (default is undefined). %% age: An integer (default is undefined). %% phone: A list of integers (default is []). %% dict: A dictionary containing various information %% about the person. %% A {Key, Value} list (default is the empty list). %%------------------------------------------------------------ -record(person, {name, age, phone = [], dict = []}). -module(person). -include("person.hrl"). -compile(export_all). % For test purposes only. %% This creates an instance of a person. %% Note: The phone number is not supplied so the %% default value [] will be used. make_hacker_without_phone(Name, Age) -> #person{name = Name, age = Age, dict = [{computer_knowledge, excellent}, {drinks, coke}]}. %% This demonstrates matching in arguments print(#person{name = Name, age = Age, phone = Phone, dict = Dict}) -> io:format("Name: ~s, Age: ~w, Phone: ~w ~n" "Dictionary: ~w.~n", [Name, Age, Phone, Dict]). %% Demonstrates type testing, selector, updating. birthday(P) when is_record(P, person) -> P#person{age = P#person.age + 1}. register_two_hackers() -> Hacker1 = make_hacker_without_phone("Joe", 29), OldHacker = birthday(Hacker1), % The central_register_server should have % an interface function for this. central_register_server ! {register_person, Hacker1}, central_register_server ! {register_person, OldHacker#person{name = "Robert", phone = [0,8,3,2,4,5,3,1]}}. %% From https://erlang.org/doc/programming_examples/records.html#a-longer-example