quest_demo: set_button shopButton true set_button parkButton greyed jump bread_quest bread_quest: choice: talk helper idle "Can you get 2 pieces of bread for me?" "Yes": talk helper idle "Thanks, that's very nice!" talk helper idle "I'll be waiting for you at the park" jump bread_start "No": talk helper idle "Oh, okay" jump quest_demo bread_start: start_quest breadShopping talk inner idle "Time to go to the shop to buy some bread then." set_screen map set_button shopButton true shopButton: // set_screen default "You visit the bread shop" talk shopkeeper idle "Hello, I'm a little baker selling bread and drinks!" set data.breadPrice 5 jump shop_menu parkButton: choice: talk helper idle "Ah, so do you have my bread?" "Yes!" if (>= $items.bread.amount 2): talk helper idle "Thanks a lot!" add_item bread -2 complete_objective breadShopping delivery complete_quest breadShopping set_button parkButton false jump demo_end "No :(": talk helper idle "Oh okay" shop_menu: choice: talk shopkeeper idle "So, do you want some bread?" "Buy bread (costs %{$$data.breadPrice})" if (>= $ $data.breadPrice): add_item bread 1 if (== $data.breadPrice 5): add_stat money -5 else: add_stat money -4 jump map_update roll bread_haggle haggling 50 "Try to haggle for bread" hideAfterRoll: success "You explain that helper cat needs bread to feed his poor family": add_xp haggling 10 set data.breadPrice 4 talk shopkeeper idle "I guess I can sell you bread for 4 coins" jump shop_menu failure "You try to pity trip the shopkeeper but he won't bulge": add_xp haggling 5 talk shopkeeper idle "The price is 5 coins, nothing less, nothing more." jump shop_menu "Exit": jump map_update show_map: set_button parkButton false set_button shopButton true set_screen map map_update: set_button parkButton false set_button shopButton true log $items.bread if (>= $items.bread.amount 2): complete_objective breadShopping bread talk inner idle "I've got enough bread now, I'm going to go to the park." start_objective breadShopping delivery set_screen map set_button parkButton true set_button shopButton false else: talk inner idle "Hmm, I still need to buy more bread for helper cat." set_screen map eat_bread: talk player idle "hmm, bread" read_book: talk inner idle "It's full of ocult rituals. I'm not sure what they are, but I'm sure they are useful." // From: