{***************************************************************************** * A Pascal quicksort. *****************************************************************************} PROGRAM Sort(input, output); CONST { Max array size. } MaxElts = 50; TYPE { Type of the element array. } IntArrType = ARRAY [1..MaxElts] OF Integer; VAR { Indexes, exchange temp, array size. } i, j, tmp, size: integer; { Array of ints } arr: IntArrType; { Read in the integers. } PROCEDURE ReadArr(VAR size: Integer; VAR a: IntArrType); BEGIN size := 1; WHILE NOT eof DO BEGIN readln(a[size]); IF NOT eof THEN size := size + 1 END END; { Use quicksort to sort the array of integers. } PROCEDURE Quicksort(size: Integer; VAR arr: IntArrType); { This does the actual work of the quicksort. It takes the parameters which define the range of the array to work on, and references the array as a global. } PROCEDURE QuicksortRecur(start, stop: integer); VAR m: integer; { The location separating the high and low parts. } splitpt: integer; { The quicksort split algorithm. Takes the range, and returns the split point. } FUNCTION Split(start, stop: integer): integer; VAR left, right: integer; { Scan pointers. } pivot: integer; { Pivot value. } { Interchange the parameters. } PROCEDURE swap(VAR a, b: integer); VAR t: integer; BEGIN t := a; a := b; b := t END; BEGIN { Split } { Set up the pointers for the hight and low sections, and get the pivot value. } pivot := arr[start]; left := start + 1; right := stop; { Look for pairs out of place and swap 'em. } WHILE left <= right DO BEGIN WHILE (left <= stop) AND (arr[left] < pivot) DO left := left + 1; WHILE (right > start) AND (arr[right] >= pivot) DO right := right - 1; IF left < right THEN swap(arr[left], arr[right]); END; { Put the pivot between the halves. } swap(arr[start], arr[right]); { This is how you return function values in pascal. Yeccch. } Split := right END; BEGIN { QuicksortRecur } { If there's anything to do... } IF start < stop THEN BEGIN splitpt := Split(start, stop); QuicksortRecur(start, splitpt-1); QuicksortRecur(splitpt+1, stop); END END; BEGIN { Quicksort } QuicksortRecur(1, size) END; BEGIN { Read } ReadArr(size, arr); { Sort the contents. } Quicksort(size, arr); { Print. } FOR i := 1 TO size DO writeln(arr[i]) END. { From http://sandbox.mc.edu/~bennet/cs404/doc/qsort_pas.html }