module Main where import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Eq (class Eq) import Data.Function.Uncurried (Fn2, mkFn2, runFn2) import Data.List (List(..), filter, (:)) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.String.Regex (Regex, parseFlags, regex, replace) import Effect (Effect) import Effect.Console (log, logShow) import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial) import Prelude (Unit, discard, map, mod, show, (+), (==), ($), (/=), (<>)) type Dict key value = key → Maybe value emptyDict :: ∀ k v. Dict k v emptyDict _ = Nothing insertDict :: ∀ k v. (Eq k) => k → v → Dict k v → Dict k v insertDict key value dict = \key' → if key == key' then (Just value) else dict key' -- | Take a look at src/Main.js to see how we curry arguments -- | in Javascript foreign import myAdd :: Int → Int → Int -- | When performance is critical then use Data.Function.Uncurried myAddFast :: Fn2 Int Int Int myAddFast = mkFn2 \x y → x + y add10 :: Int -> Int add10 = myAdd 10 modulo :: Int -> Int -> Int modulo dvr dvd = dvd `mod` dvr isOdd :: Int -> Int isOdd = modulo 2 getAllOdds :: List Int -> List Int getAllOdds = filter (\x -> isOdd x /= 0) regexString :: Regex regexString = unsafePartial case (regex "[aeiou]" (parseFlags "ig")) of Right r -> r censor :: String -> String censor = replace regexString "*" censorAll :: Array String -> Array String censorAll = map censor main :: Effect Unit main = do log "Build curried functions" log "\nAdvantage 1: Partially applying functions" log $ "myAdd: " <> (show $ myAdd 2 2) log "\nAdvantage 2: function types" -- notice key' == key ('a' == 'a'), so return Just 1 logShow $ (insertDict 'a' (1::Int) emptyDict) 'a' -- search for 'a' in Dict and return its value logShow $ insertDict 'b' 2 (insertDict 'a' (1::Int) emptyDict) 'a' -- the 'x' key is not in Dict, so fall back to Nothing logShow $ insertDict 'b' 2 (insertDict 'a' (1::Int) emptyDict) 'x' log "\nCurrying Examples: add10, isOdd, isOdd21, getAllOdds" logShow $ add10 2 logShow $ isOdd 2 logShow $ isOdd 21 logShow $ getAllOdds (1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : Nil) log "\nBuild up predicate functions" log $ censor "hello world" logShow $ censorAll ["hello", "world"] log "\nUse Data.Function.Uncurried when performance is critical" logShow $ runFn2 myAddFast 10 10 -- From