module person def ssn = 123-45-6789 module name def first = "John" def middle = "Q" def last = "Public" end module birth def city = "Pittsburg" def state = "PA" def country = "USA" def date = parse_date["2000-01-01", "Y-m-d"] end end module mymodule def R = {1; 2} ic {count[R] = 2} end @inline module my_stats[R] def my_minmax = (min[R], max[R]) def my_mean = mean[R] def my_median = median[R] end @inline module BipartiteGraph[M, N] def node = M; N def edge = M, N end @inline module CycleGraph[N] def node = N def edge(a in N, b in N) = sort[N](x, a) and sort[N](y, b) and y = x%count[N] + 1 from x, y end @inline module GraphProperties[G] def outdegree[v in G:node] = count[v1 : G:edge(v, v1)] <++ 0 def indegree[v in G:node] = count[v1 : G:edge(v1, v)] <++ 0 def edge_count = count[G:edge] <++ 0 end def cg = CompleteGraph[range[1 ,5, 1]] def cg_props = GraphProperties[cg] def bg = BipartiteGraph[{1; 2}, {3; 4; 5}] def bg_props = GraphProperties[bg] def cycleg = CycleGraph[{"a"; "b"; "c"; "d" ; "e"}] def cycleg_props = GraphProperties[cycleg] module output def complete_edge_count = cg_props:edge_count def bipartite_edge_count = bg_props:edge_count def cycle_edge_count = cycleg_props:edge_count end # From