### default for all ## Host * ForwardAgent no ForwardX11 no ForwardX11Trusted yes User nixcraft Port 22 Protocol 2 ServerAliveInterval 60 ServerAliveCountMax 30 ## override as per host ## Host server1 HostName server1.cyberciti.biz User nixcraft Port 4242 IdentityFile /nfs/shared/users/nixcraft/keys/server1/id_rsa ## Home nas server ## Host nas01 HostName User root IdentityFile ~/.ssh/nas01.key ## Login AWS Cloud ## Host aws.apache HostName User wwwdata IdentityFile ~/.ssh/aws.apache.key ## Login to internal lan server at via our public uk office ssh based gateway using ## ## $ ssh uk.gw.lan ## Host uk.gw.lan uk.lan HostName User nixcraft ProxyCommand ssh nixcraft@gateway.uk.cyberciti.biz nc %h %p 2> /dev/null ## Our Us Proxy Server ## ## Forward all local port 3128 traffic to port 3128 on the remote vps1.cyberciti.biz server ## ## $ ssh -f -N proxyus ## Host proxyus HostName vps1.cyberciti.biz User breakfree IdentityFile ~/.ssh/vps1.cyberciti.biz.key LocalForward 3128 ## From https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/create-ssh-config-file-on-linux-unix/